Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

I'm pretty behind on my movie blog at the moment aarrggh. I went to see Star Trek Into Darkness last week finally.  Had to catch a 10:30 pm show during the week just to see it! We saw the 3D version which was pretty cool but sometimes distracting.  I was already pretty tired and the 3D was making my eyes even more tired and heavy!

ANYWAYS, I went into this movie hearing how unbelievably great it was and was expecting a great story and character development and that is definitely not what I got. I hadn't watched all the Star Trek series, I had only seen a couple episodes of the original and of Next Generation. My old babysitter used to make us watch Star Trek the Next Generation when we were pretty young and we hated it at the time. We wanted to be watching TGIF! Now that I'm older I appreciate these types of shows more and have more interest in them.

After seeing Star Trek Into Darkness, I felt it was kind of predictable, didn't have much story or character development, and was purely an action movie. We went to a friend's house the next night and watched Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and also the Star Trek original series episode starring Khan. Seeing the older series and movie, and talking with my friend's I can see that there really wasn't much character development and very little special effects (obviously).  I can now truly appreciate the greatness of how awesome they can make Star Trek now compared to what it used to be by seeing the difference then and now. Had I known I was in for an action movie I think I would have enjoyed it more.  Now I can't wait to see it again! Thanks Victoria and Brandon for showing me the originals!

I'm going to grade this one an A.

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