Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

                                   Silver Linings Playbook

So I was spoiled this weekend and went to see 2 movies!! I saw Silver Linings Playbook along with OZ.  I was wanting to see this pretty bad before it was nominated for Oscars and once I saw the outcome of the Oscars that was my push to actually go.  I am so glad I did! This is my favorite movie so far this year that I have seen!! It was such a pleasant surprise!  I didn't really understand fully from the previews what it was going to be about so I didn't have great expectations. That made me enjoy it even more!

I don't want to say too much about the movie and ruin it but I will say it is a super romantic, great love story between two crazy people. This movies offers something for everyone.  It's funny, sad, romantic, mysterious, and involves sports which most guys would enjoy.  It's not a total chick flick like I expected.

Life can be pretty F'd up sometimes and this has great examples of that. It wasn't some unrealistic chick flick that gets girls hopes up for unrealistic expectations for their own love life. It's a real life story.

I finally got to enjoy watching a movie that didn't follow the same formula as every other movie.  I loved not knowing exactly where they were going with it and what would happen next. Watching so many movies all the time, I can usually guess the outcome before it's finished and that gets tiresome.

I loved the cameo of the Led Zeppelin song "What Is and What Should Never Be". Greatest rock band ever and fit in with the scene beautifully!

The cherry on top would have been Bradley Cooper winning an Oscar as well as Jennifer Lawrence but going up against Lincoln, that's a tough one to beat!

So basically see this in the theater if you get a chance! I'm hoping it comes out on video soon so I can buy it!

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