Friday, March 1, 2013

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

                           Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

I saw this movie last night with my sister. Sometimes I feel the need to see movies that I know are probably going to be a disappointment but I appreciate them trying to come out with a new concepts of old ideas that nobody really cared about to begin with. I didn't expect much of this movie but they did surprise me a little bit. 

This was pretty violent and graphic and they made the witches super duper ugly.  There was a pretty good amount of blood and gore in this movie too.  I think they were trying to compensate big time for this just being a children's story and go in the completely other direction and make it super gory and violent and made for adults. It was an interesting take on Hansel and Gretel. It did involve one nude scene too.  At this point I grabbed my phone to see what the heck this movie was rated.  I guess I assumed it was PG-13 because this type of movie would probably be most appealing to teenagers but it was rated R! The previews didn't really lead me to believe that it was going to be a hard core version but hey I'll take it!  

RENTAL (unless there's nothing better to see and you really feel like going to the movies like me for this week.)

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