Saturday, February 23, 2013

Django Unchained

                                       Django Unchained

                                                                      (the D is silent)

I saw this probably a month ago.  Bottom line, if you are a Tarantino fan you need to see this.  I don't even want to talk about this movie because it is too awesome to give any details away about it. Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Sam Jackson are amazing in this movie.

Basically just decide if you are willing to sit in the theater for 165 minutes or if you think you can wait for this to come out on video.

It was really long but I would see it again in the theater!!

Warm Bodies

                                            Warm Bodies

I went to see this movie two weeks ago.  I was way more excited than I should have been. Zombie movies are always a priority of mine and I had high hopes for this one.  It was a good idea for a movie but I feel like they kind of half assed it. There weren't enough events taking place and maybe that was the whole point of the movie? They wanted you to feel like a zombie and get bored? Either way it had it's moments few and far between and I would definitely wait to rent this one. The perks of this movie would be some good music and of course John Malkovich. The annoying thing about this movie was they were pretty much making up their own rules about zombies as they went along and being a fan of zombies I didn't enjoy that much.


A Good Day To Die Hard

                                  A Good Day To Die Hard

My movie pick for this week was the new Die Hard.  Considering I've seen the first Die Hard movie about 800ish times and the second one about half that and the 3rd and 4th a considerable amount also there was no way I was going to skip this one. 

The most shocking thing to me about this movie was how short it was! 

Die Hard was released in 1988 and was 131 minutes long
Die Hard 2 was released in 1990 and was 124 minutes long
Die Hard With a Vengeance was released in 1995 and was 131 minutes long
Live Free Or Die Hard was released in 2007 and was 128 minutes long

and finally A Good Day To Die Hard was released February 14th 2013 and is a whopping 97 minutes long!!

That is soooooo much shorter than all the other movies it caught me by surprise.  I was all comfy in my theatre seat (well as comfy as you can be in those) and ready for a nice long action movie starring Bruce Willis and it was over before people finished their popcorn! I do have to point out that there really wasn't much dialogue going on in this movie. There would be some big awesome action scenes and then they would make Bruce Willis say something really deep and considerate out of the blue. At times that just felt kind of awkward. This was a good father son movie though for sure! If you wanted to do something with your dad it would be a good time. 

This movie definitely didn't have the same feel as the first and second Die Hard movies and I would say they are as good as the order they were made in. The first Die Hard is obviously the best and will never be topped and they gradually get less good as they keep making them.

With all this said, if you are a Die Hard "die hard" like me you should definitely go see this on the big screen if nothing else for the explosions!